Starting editing commercial
Today me and my group started editing the commercial. The first thing that had to be done was to get the clips off of one of my groupmates phones and put them all together. I double checked that all of the clips were there. I also made sure they were in the right order. There was a clip that ended up not being used as the pen looks like its about to fall out of my hand. I also made sure we filmed in the right setting/mode. After I had made sure that the clips were in the order at they needed to be in me and my groupmates decided what background music to use. As a group it was decided that the music used would have no words. Music with words would be too distracting to the audience. They might only focus on the music and not the commercial. For the genre of music it was decided that the music would have to be bubbly/fun sounding. Music that sounded sad would not have fitted as well. The sound in the videos clips were muted as they did not contribute to the commercial in any way. The music was put over the commercial/is the only source if sound in commercial. The part that the pens looked like they were dancing had to be slowed down a little bit. After this I checked how long the commercial was. The commercial is currently 26.44 seconds. After this was done on of my groupmates looked up the logo and put it at the end of the commercial. I went to help another person film after we had finished all the editing we had to do today. I went to help her film one scene because I had told her that if I had time I would help.
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