Genre Research: A Wrinkle in Time
To better understand the genre of fantasy as a whole my group and I are researching certain movies that fall under the fantasy genre. By doing this we hope to be able to better understand what to do for our intro/final.
One common camera angle used was a close-up. This is used numerous times to show people's faces. This is to show the emotions on the characters faces and for the audience to see their faces more clearly. Another camera angle used commonly is an establishing shot. This is used to show the audience where the scene is taking place.
Diegetic and non-diegetic sound are both used a lot in this movie. Diegetic sound is used mainly for dialogue and to provide any background noise such as birds chirping. Non-diegetic sound is mainly used for the music over a shot. Music is put over certain sections of the film to help convey the particular feeling of that part of the movie.
There was a lot of editing in this movie. Since the majority of this movie is in space a lot of things had to be edited in. This means that green screen was probably also something that was commonly used. I found it interesting how one of the characters was edited to look like a dragon for a part of the film and how the dragon moved in a particular way.
The costumes of the characters from Earth were very casual and looked like outfits that would be worn on any day. The outfits worn by the characters not from Earth were very whimsical looking and looked like actual costumes. The settings in the beginning of the movie were very modern and looked like places that you would see in real life. Such as a school and a street in a neighborhood. However, the settings throughout the rest of the movie looked very futuristic and looked like they were made up.
Some common fantasy elements that my group and I noticed were the use of teleporting to different places and the use of plants being personified and communicating with the main characters.
Some things that were incorporated in this movie that my group and I liked/wanted to use are the use of close-ups and the use of talking to different types of creatures.
However, there are some things that my group and I agreed would not work for us on this project. The use of a lot/some use of greenscreen would not be a realistic thing for my group as we do not have the resources necessary for something like that. Another thing my group and I might not do is use a lot of science to explain why things are happening. Since this movie mixes science with fantasy, using science to explain a phenomenon worked for this movie. However, since my group and I's intro/film is going to be just fantasy based it doesn't really make sense to include this.
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