Title Website Research
Before any planning can be initiated, my group and I are in need of more information regarding opening sequences. Through further discussion, we were able to come across two useful websites. Art of the Title is one of the main ones that we explored and were able to spend some time getting used to the new site. When scrolling on the homepage of the site, we can see several different options all ranging from title designs, movie reports, title sequences, etc. With a closer look, we noticed how they were lined up left to right by date, latest to oldest released. Then, we left the homepage by clicking on the link to title sequences, which then led us to a display of a collage of different movie title covers. On the left, there is a sidebar labeled Feature, which includes details such as the style and date. Scrolling further, we saw a list of the top ten title sequences of 2020 listed in ascending order. All of the listed sequences were a video clip that would range from thirty seconds to nine minutes, the average being a minute long. Each title sequence was followed by a paragraph or two providing us with a thorough description on information such as inspirations behind the works, studios that were involved, etc.
https://www.watchthetitles.com/ ⁚
The second website we researched was a website called watchthetitles. We stumbled upon this website, when we were looking for other opening sequences, and this popped up. On the website, there are different open sequences with different genres. When you start to scroll on the homepage of the website you see colorful pictures and different tabs you can click on from big movie projects to student made films, television shows. They even featured the designers of the opening sequences and interviewed them that were available to watch. When you click on the designer tab on the top of the page, you realize that they categorize the designer in alphabetical order and listed the opening sequences that they have designed.They italicized the name of the show, we think is so it draws attention to the reader, and the designer can get more recognition for their work. When you scroll to the bottom there is a category called French Fridays, they recognize and appreciate cinema works of French which is a different region, so that was interesting. They had a whole range of Interviews from different designers, that was often followed by an article about them. We think that both of these sites will be useful to us, because the first website gave information about the opening sequences as well as showed them to us. The second website provided us with information about the designers and other projects they have worked on, so that will be beneficial to our project.
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