continuing to edit the final

 Tiday, I finished up the editing for this project. The first thing I did was move some of the titles slightly. Some of the titles had been moved by one of my teammates. But did not follow the order that the titles were supposed to be in. I also changed showing the actors names all at once. I instead put the actor's names one by one. As one name faded off the screen another one would pop up. I also changed the font. It turns out that my group and I had picked out a font to use beforehand and had forgotten about it. It was only when I read the very last part of the title design that I remembered. However, my group and I ended up having to change the font we would be using as it was not available on the editing software we were using. Instead of using the Centeria Script font like we had originally planned we used the Arial font. I also changed the colors on the titles after one of my teammates suggested it. This was to keep the titles the same color/colors throughout and to make the titles pop/stand out. The next thing that had to be done was for me to do my voiceover. I decided to use my phone to record it as my computer's audio isn't the best. It took me a few takes to get one that I liked. After this it was really about making sure that the audio fit the shot and didn't look weird. This was a little tricky as I also had to get the voiceover to match the music. However, I did eventually get it to sound right and to also fit with the visuals. I also tried the make the objects (such as the tennis ball) to glow. However, when I did this, it made the shot look weird. so, I decided to just keep the objects look normal and not have them glow.  


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