Commercial filming
Today was our first day filming. We filmed at the picnic tables outside of the cafeteria. We got set up to film and than realized we forgot to bring one of our props with us(blank piece of paper/printer paper). Because of this we had to go back to the classroom to get it. After we got the forgotten prop we went back to ore filming location and set everything up again. We started filming our first scene of our commercial (first scene that was filmed). I was the actor/person being filmed. Tasmia and Kennedy filmed and acted as directors. For this scene we did have some bloopers and had to film several takes before we got the one we wanted to use (the final take). After we had finished filming the first scene we went to the next scene on our storyboard. We had a lot of takes that we didn't use for various reasons. One reason was it was kind of windy when we were filming. So the paper sometimes would fly off the table in the middle of filming and/or in-between takes. Another rea...